2020 News Stories
Check out the news stories from 2020 below.
You'll read about the free Community Outreach Speaker Series, concerts, suppers and much more.
You'll read about the free Community Outreach Speaker Series, concerts, suppers and much more.
We Celebrated Frost Festival at St. Andrew’s
Saturday, January 18, 2020 from 7:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
The Civitan Frost Festival Breakfast
We enjoyed a breakfast that kept us warm while we enjoyed Frost Festival activities.
Sunday, January 19, 2020 at 11:00 a.m.
Frost Festival Ecumenical Service
Rev. Darlene Bamford presiding
We celebrated service, lunch and music by Doug Russell.
Wednesday, January 22, 2020 at 7:00 p.m.
The Civitan Frost Festival Bingo
What a great night!
Saturday, January 18, 2020 from 7:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
The Civitan Frost Festival Breakfast
We enjoyed a breakfast that kept us warm while we enjoyed Frost Festival activities.
Sunday, January 19, 2020 at 11:00 a.m.
Frost Festival Ecumenical Service
Rev. Darlene Bamford presiding
We celebrated service, lunch and music by Doug Russell.
Wednesday, January 22, 2020 at 7:00 p.m.
The Civitan Frost Festival Bingo
What a great night!
The Fourth Sunday
January 26, 2020
The Pakenham & District Civitan
talked to us about the organization and its good works in our community.
January 26, 2020
The Pakenham & District Civitan
talked to us about the organization and its good works in our community.
Free Community Outreach Speaker Series
In the true sense of community the Pakenham Civitan and local churches are partnering for a second year to bring you a free speaker series. Come out and hear great speakers talk about things of importance to you and your family.
Wednesday, January 29, 2020 at 7:30 p.m.
Community Outreach Speaker Series
“Celebrate Soil”
The human race is dependent on soil for food. In many countries around the world soil erosion and poisoning of the soil has led to famine. And, soil erosion contributes to climate change as carbons are released into the atmosphere when soil erodes.
Whether you farm hundreds of acres or tend a small backyard garden, understanding how to manage your soil is key to healthy, sustainable crops.
Join Paul and Jean Sullivan, from Sullivan Agro as they help us think about, learn about, and celebrate soil. Whether its cover crops, tillage, technology, compaction, nutrition, soil life or rotation, we’ll discuss the soil and how to care for and sustain it well into the future.
Please note that the start time for this event only is being moved from 7:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
In the true sense of community the Pakenham Civitan and local churches are partnering for a second year to bring you a free speaker series. Come out and hear great speakers talk about things of importance to you and your family.
Wednesday, January 29, 2020 at 7:30 p.m.
Community Outreach Speaker Series
“Celebrate Soil”
The human race is dependent on soil for food. In many countries around the world soil erosion and poisoning of the soil has led to famine. And, soil erosion contributes to climate change as carbons are released into the atmosphere when soil erodes.
Whether you farm hundreds of acres or tend a small backyard garden, understanding how to manage your soil is key to healthy, sustainable crops.
Join Paul and Jean Sullivan, from Sullivan Agro as they help us think about, learn about, and celebrate soil. Whether its cover crops, tillage, technology, compaction, nutrition, soil life or rotation, we’ll discuss the soil and how to care for and sustain it well into the future.
Please note that the start time for this event only is being moved from 7:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Joint Service of the Pakenham Pastoral Charge
Sunday, February 2, 2020 / 10:00 a.m.
Fulton's Pancake House and Sugar Bush
It was a great day for our annual joint winter service with Zion United.
Fulton's Pancake House on Sugar Bush Road hosted the service at 10:00 a.m.
Rev. Barry Goodwin presided.
Service was followed by a Pancake Brunch and fun in the snow.
Sunday, February 2, 2020 / 10:00 a.m.
Fulton's Pancake House and Sugar Bush
It was a great day for our annual joint winter service with Zion United.
Fulton's Pancake House on Sugar Bush Road hosted the service at 10:00 a.m.
Rev. Barry Goodwin presided.
Service was followed by a Pancake Brunch and fun in the snow.
Conversations with Other Churches
Wednesday, February 5, 2020 / 7:30 p.m.
Churches Partnering for a Secure Future
St. Andrew's is hosting an evening with Rev. Eric Lukacs and his team from partnering churches Carleton Memorial in Ottawa and St. Andrew’s in Buckingham. Their long-term goal is to have 7 churches share 3 ministers and a central music director. They are excited about their work and so are we.
Come out and join the conversation about the future of our church.
Please let Bronwen know if you plan to attend: [email protected]
Wednesday, February 5, 2020 / 7:30 p.m.
Churches Partnering for a Secure Future
St. Andrew's is hosting an evening with Rev. Eric Lukacs and his team from partnering churches Carleton Memorial in Ottawa and St. Andrew’s in Buckingham. Their long-term goal is to have 7 churches share 3 ministers and a central music director. They are excited about their work and so are we.
Come out and join the conversation about the future of our church.
Please let Bronwen know if you plan to attend: [email protected]
Another Big Event to Celebrate our 180 Year Milestone
Thursday, February 6, 2020
Singin’ and Hamin’ it Up
6:00 p.m. Supper | 7:00 p.m. Concert
What goes with ham? Why music of course!
We fed your body and soul at this dinner-musicale!
On the menu: ham, baked beans, scalloped potatoes and all the fixin's.
This scrumptious supper was followed by a concert featuring St. Andrew's choir, special guest performer Michael Ryan and talented area young people.
Your participation supported an investment in technology that will ensure our beautiful church continues to be a great gathering place for worship, parties, meetings, music and community events.
Thursday, February 6, 2020
Singin’ and Hamin’ it Up
6:00 p.m. Supper | 7:00 p.m. Concert
What goes with ham? Why music of course!
We fed your body and soul at this dinner-musicale!
On the menu: ham, baked beans, scalloped potatoes and all the fixin's.
This scrumptious supper was followed by a concert featuring St. Andrew's choir, special guest performer Michael Ryan and talented area young people.
Your participation supported an investment in technology that will ensure our beautiful church continues to be a great gathering place for worship, parties, meetings, music and community events.
We had a special online Mothers' Day service!
During service we heard Laurie Boon sing You Raise Me Up, Emily Nanne sang from Pierce and Tobin's favourite bedtime story book Every Little Thing, a greeting from the Sunday School children and Tony Stuart playing What a Wonderful World on clarinet.
If you want to listen it is still available on our YouTube channel at: www.youtube.com/results?search_query=ppc_pakenham_on_can
During service we heard Laurie Boon sing You Raise Me Up, Emily Nanne sang from Pierce and Tobin's favourite bedtime story book Every Little Thing, a greeting from the Sunday School children and Tony Stuart playing What a Wonderful World on clarinet.
If you want to listen it is still available on our YouTube channel at: www.youtube.com/results?search_query=ppc_pakenham_on_can

Boy, did we have fun!
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Dave and Hélène Wilson generously hosted the choir at their beautiful Green Elms Farm.
Our heartfelt thanks for their generosity and hospitality!
Don't worry we followed all the rules. We held the event outside, we wore masks, kept six feet apart and didn't sing as a group.
In spite of all the rules we had a great concert of soloists (all more than 16 feet away from our masked audience), story-tellers, instrumentalists and punsters.
And we took the opportunity to honour Marilyn Snedden for more than fifty years of contributions to the choir, church and community.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Dave and Hélène Wilson generously hosted the choir at their beautiful Green Elms Farm.
Our heartfelt thanks for their generosity and hospitality!
Don't worry we followed all the rules. We held the event outside, we wore masks, kept six feet apart and didn't sing as a group.
In spite of all the rules we had a great concert of soloists (all more than 16 feet away from our masked audience), story-tellers, instrumentalists and punsters.
And we took the opportunity to honour Marilyn Snedden for more than fifty years of contributions to the choir, church and community.
Pakenham Remembrance Day Service
On Remembrance Day, we acknowledged the courage and sacrifice of those who served their country and acknowledged our responsibility to work for the peace they fought hard to achieve.
In Pakenham we have a long tradition of paying our respects to the brave men and women who gave their lives in the line of duty.
This year was no exception. But because of COVID-19 we had a virtual Remembrance Day service especially designed for Pakenham. The service ran on YouTube starting at 10:45 a.m. on November 11, 2020. The service was accessed by searching for “Virtual Pakenham Cenotaph or Pakenham Cenotaph”
You can also visit the Pakenham Cenotaph Memorial 2020 Facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1049487618816721/
Our thanks to Andrea MacFarlane-Grieve and Bonnie MacFarlane for their work to research the Pakenham fallen as part of this service.
Facebook: Pakenham Cenotaph Memorial
YouTube: Pakenham Cenotaph
For Info call: 613-624-5385
In Pakenham we have a long tradition of paying our respects to the brave men and women who gave their lives in the line of duty.
This year was no exception. But because of COVID-19 we had a virtual Remembrance Day service especially designed for Pakenham. The service ran on YouTube starting at 10:45 a.m. on November 11, 2020. The service was accessed by searching for “Virtual Pakenham Cenotaph or Pakenham Cenotaph”
You can also visit the Pakenham Cenotaph Memorial 2020 Facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1049487618816721/
Our thanks to Andrea MacFarlane-Grieve and Bonnie MacFarlane for their work to research the Pakenham fallen as part of this service.
Facebook: Pakenham Cenotaph Memorial
YouTube: Pakenham Cenotaph
For Info call: 613-624-5385
St. Andrew's Supports Community Initiatives
The Pakenham & District Civitan Club hosts an annual Dessert Tea and Gift Basket Auction at St. Andrew's. This year, because of COVID 19 restrictions, the Tea did not take place.
The Auction proceeded online instead! The best part was that many more people could participate in the event and it was spread out over a whole week.
A huge Thank You is in order to Pakenham businesses, Civitan Members and Friends for helping create our best auction offering ever!! This auction is an incredible example of community support, especially during these trying times. Their donations are greatly appreciated.
The Auction was ran from 1:00 pm Sunday, November 15th through to 8:00 pm on Sunday, November 22nd.
Throughout the past months, the Pakenham Civitan has continued with regular donations to the hospitals, community groups, food bank and support for individuals in need in the community. This fundraiser is one more step to help in those efforts.
The Auction proceeded online instead! The best part was that many more people could participate in the event and it was spread out over a whole week.
A huge Thank You is in order to Pakenham businesses, Civitan Members and Friends for helping create our best auction offering ever!! This auction is an incredible example of community support, especially during these trying times. Their donations are greatly appreciated.
The Auction was ran from 1:00 pm Sunday, November 15th through to 8:00 pm on Sunday, November 22nd.
Throughout the past months, the Pakenham Civitan has continued with regular donations to the hospitals, community groups, food bank and support for individuals in need in the community. This fundraiser is one more step to help in those efforts.
Christmas 2020
Christians the world over made their way once again to the manger.
During Advent we waited and watched with excitement and anticipation. It was a time for us to celebrate God’s promised blessings of Hope, Peace, Joy and Love. In the challenging time of the 2020 Pandemic we needed His blessings more than ever. |
December 24, 2020 / Christmas Eve
Rev. Dr. Christine Johnson presided over a recorded service that was posted to our YouTube Channel. Community members enjoyed the service from the comfort and safety of their homes
Rev. Dr. Christine Johnson presided over a recorded service that was posted to our YouTube Channel. Community members enjoyed the service from the comfort and safety of their homes