Choir Library of Practice Songs
All Through the Night
Arr. Mac Huff
Arr. Mac Huff
Are You Looking For Jesus
Robert Wetzler
Herbert Brokering
Robert Wetzler
Herbert Brokering
Be Still, and Know That I Am God
David Lantz III & Gene Grier
David Lantz III & Gene Grier
Big Yellow Taxi
Join MItchell
Arr. Greg Gilpin
Join MItchell
Arr. Greg Gilpin
Bridge Over Troubled Water
Cantate Domino
Dave & Jean Perry
Dave & Jean Perry
Come, Receive God's Blessing
Don Besig & Nancy Price (Four Part)
Don Besig & Nancy Price (Four Part)
Adapted for two parts by Peter Brown
Part I - High Voices
Part II - Low Voices
Down by the Riverside
Arr. Audrey Snyder
Arr. Audrey Snyder
Down to the River to Pray
Arr. Sheldon Curry
Arr. Sheldon Curry
Faith of Our Fathers (VU#580)
Words: v1. Frederick W. Faber 1849, vv. 2 - 4 Joseph R. Alfred 1981, alt.
Music: Henri Frederick Henry 1864, adpat. James Geroge Walton 1874
Words (v 2 - 4) (c) 1941 Joseph R. Alfred
Words: v1. Frederick W. Faber 1849, vv. 2 - 4 Joseph R. Alfred 1981, alt.
Music: Henri Frederick Henry 1864, adpat. James Geroge Walton 1874
Words (v 2 - 4) (c) 1941 Joseph R. Alfred
Food in a World (VU#551)
Words (German): Manfred Wester, 1984. Trans. Unknown.
Music: Robert J. Crocker, 1969. Arr. Mary Beth Nicks Barbour, 1993.
Words © 1985 Gisela Wester. Music © 1970 The Girl Guides of Canada.
Arr. © 1995 Mary Beth Nicks Barbour.
Words (German): Manfred Wester, 1984. Trans. Unknown.
Music: Robert J. Crocker, 1969. Arr. Mary Beth Nicks Barbour, 1993.
Words © 1985 Gisela Wester. Music © 1970 The Girl Guides of Canada.
Arr. © 1995 Mary Beth Nicks Barbour.
Forever Young
Bob Dylan
Arr. Roger Emerson
Bob Dylan
Arr. Roger Emerson
For the Beauty of the Earth
Four strong Winds
Ian Tyson
Arr. Larry Nickel
Ian Tyson
Arr. Larry Nickel
God of the Living
Hockey Song
OneDrive Link:
Hockey Song (The)
Stompin' Tom Connors
Arr. Larry Nickel
Stompin' Tom Connors
Arr. Larry Nickel
Holy Manna
High Upon a Mountain
Hosanna in the Highest
Words and Music: Carl Tuttle
Choral Setting: Joel Raney
Words and Music: Carl Tuttle
Choral Setting: Joel Raney
Hymn to Freedom
Oscar Peterson arr. Paul Read
Oscar Peterson arr. Paul Read
I Am Cow
Mike McCormick, Arrogant Worms
Mike McCormick, Arrogant Worms
I Hear the Prophet Callin'
Words and Music by Pepper Choplin
Words and Music by Pepper Choplin
If I Have Been a Source of Pain
(More Voices #76)
Words (Spanish): Sara M. de Hall, based on a text by C.M. Battersby.
English trans. Janet W. May, © 1992. Music: Pablo Sosa, © 1988
(More Voices #76)
Words (Spanish): Sara M. de Hall, based on a text by C.M. Battersby.
English trans. Janet W. May, © 1992. Music: Pablo Sosa, © 1988
Part I - High
Part II - Low
In Star and Crescent
(More Voices #159)
Words: Mary Louise Bringle
Music: Janet Best
(More Voices #159)
Words: Mary Louise Bringle
Music: Janet Best
In Flanders Fields
Light A Candle For Peace
Words and Music by Ruth Elaine Schram
Words and Music by Ruth Elaine Schram
Lord Speak to Me
O Christian Love
O! What a Beautiful City
Shawn Kirchner
Rehearsal Recordings from David Sale!AniEEnvPpznJg7NIRJXppuc6RYXkpA
Shawn Kirchner
Rehearsal Recordings from David Sale!AniEEnvPpznJg7NIRJXppuc6RYXkpA
One Gift the Magi Bore
Words Thomas Troeger and Music by Roy Hopp
Select "Audio Sample" key
Words Thomas Troeger and Music by Roy Hopp
Select "Audio Sample" key
Peace Like a River
Arr. Joel Raney
Arr. Joel Raney
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty
Song of the Saints
Words and Music by Pepper Choplin
Words and Music by Pepper Choplin
Standin' in the Need of Prayer
Arr. Joel Raney
Arr. Joel Raney
Swing Down, Sweet Chariot
Arr. Lloyd Larson
Arr. Lloyd Larson
The 12 Days of Christmas Presents
Arr. David Sale
Arr. David Sale
Link to OneDrive:!AniEEnvPpznJj3b6U7fT24K0Llij!AniEEnvPpznJj3b6U7fT24K0Llij
The Church of Christ in Every Age (VU#601)
Words: Fred Pratt 1969. Music: James William Elliot 1874.
Words (c) 1971 Hope Publishing Company
Words: Fred Pratt 1969. Music: James William Elliot 1874.
Words (c) 1971 Hope Publishing Company
The Power of Your Love
Words and music by Geoff Bullock
Words and music by Geoff Bullock
There's a Spirit in the Air (VU#582)
Words and music by Geoff Bullock
Words and music by Geoff Bullock
The Upper Room
Don Besig & Nancy Price
Don Besig & Nancy Price
Walk by Faith
Words by J. Paul Williams / Music by Joel Raney
Words by J. Paul Williams / Music by Joel Raney
We Shall Go Out with Hope of Resurrection
We Will Take What You Offer
What the World Needs Now is Love
When Christmas Comes
Words and Music by Joanna Schwarz
Words and Music by Joanna Schwarz
Yesterday / Beatles Concert
John Lennon & Paul McCartney
Arr. Mark Bymer
John Lennon & Paul McCartney
Arr. Mark Bymer
"All God's Creatures Got a Place in the Choir"
Staff ProfilesSt. Andrew’s Sanctuary Choir is always looking for more voices.
Some of the reasons you might consider joining us are:
- there are no auditions;
- you don't have to read music;
- we help you figure out if you are a soprano, alto, tenor or bass; and
- we welcome anyone and everyone over the age of 16
But, the number one reason to join us is that singing is a purely joyful pursuit! From the soaring anthems through the oldest of traditional hymns and on to the toe-tapping medleys it is always a wonderful feeling to bring the gift of music to our church family.
We practice on Thursday nights from 7 - 8:30 pm and on Sunday mornings at 10:00 am before service at 11:00 am.
Don’t believe that you are not good enough. You are! Remember, “All God’s Creatures Got a Place in the Choir”.
And, if you would like a little more encouragement take a look at the article below by John Rutter, renowned composer, about the importance of choir.
If you are interested in singing with us please contact our Music Director, Peter Brown at 613-257-2657 or by e-mail at: [email protected]
To learn more about Peter see his profile at: Staff Profiles
Some of the reasons you might consider joining us are:
- there are no auditions;
- you don't have to read music;
- we help you figure out if you are a soprano, alto, tenor or bass; and
- we welcome anyone and everyone over the age of 16
But, the number one reason to join us is that singing is a purely joyful pursuit! From the soaring anthems through the oldest of traditional hymns and on to the toe-tapping medleys it is always a wonderful feeling to bring the gift of music to our church family.
We practice on Thursday nights from 7 - 8:30 pm and on Sunday mornings at 10:00 am before service at 11:00 am.
Don’t believe that you are not good enough. You are! Remember, “All God’s Creatures Got a Place in the Choir”.
And, if you would like a little more encouragement take a look at the article below by John Rutter, renowned composer, about the importance of choir.
If you are interested in singing with us please contact our Music Director, Peter Brown at 613-257-2657 or by e-mail at: [email protected]
To learn more about Peter see his profile at: Staff Profiles
John Rutter on the Importance of Choir
Choral music is not one of life's frills. It's something that goes to the very heart of our humanity, our sense of community, and our souls. You express, when you sing, your soul in song. And when you get together with a group of other singers, it becomes more than the sum of the parts. All of those people are pouring out their hearts and souls in perfect harmony, which is kind of an emblem for what we need in this world, when so much of the world is at odds with itself ... that just to express, in symbolic terms, what it's like when human beings are in harmony.
That's a lesson for our times and for all time. I profoundly believe that. And musical excellence is, of course, at the heart of it. But, even if a choir is not the greatest in the world, the fact that they are meeting together has a social value. It has a communal value. And I always say that a church or a school without a choir is like a body without a soul.
We have to have a soul in our lives. And everybody tells me, who has sung in a choir, that they feel better for doing it. That whatever the cares of the day, if they maybe meet after a long day's school or work, that somehow you leave your troubles at the door. And when you're sitting there, making music for a couple hours at the end of the day, that's the only thing that matters at that moment. And you walk away refreshed. You walk away renewed. And that's a value that goes just beyond the music itself.
Of course, as a musician, I put the music at the heart of it, but all of these other values just stand out as a beacon. I think our politicians need to take note ... my gosh do they ever!, and our educators, those who decide education budgets, church budgets, just need to remember it's not a frill. It's like a great oak that rises up from the center of the human race and spreads its branches everywhere.
That's what music does for us. And choral music must stand as one of the supreme examples of it.
That's a lesson for our times and for all time. I profoundly believe that. And musical excellence is, of course, at the heart of it. But, even if a choir is not the greatest in the world, the fact that they are meeting together has a social value. It has a communal value. And I always say that a church or a school without a choir is like a body without a soul.
We have to have a soul in our lives. And everybody tells me, who has sung in a choir, that they feel better for doing it. That whatever the cares of the day, if they maybe meet after a long day's school or work, that somehow you leave your troubles at the door. And when you're sitting there, making music for a couple hours at the end of the day, that's the only thing that matters at that moment. And you walk away refreshed. You walk away renewed. And that's a value that goes just beyond the music itself.
Of course, as a musician, I put the music at the heart of it, but all of these other values just stand out as a beacon. I think our politicians need to take note ... my gosh do they ever!, and our educators, those who decide education budgets, church budgets, just need to remember it's not a frill. It's like a great oak that rises up from the center of the human race and spreads its branches everywhere.
That's what music does for us. And choral music must stand as one of the supreme examples of it.